Thursday, April 20, 2006


Alle må se på Arkivet på TV3. Komiserien starter opp torsdag 20/04 kl.22.30.
Jeg har nemmelig vært statist i en av episodene. Forøvrig tror jeg serien blir kjempe morsom.

For info se:

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Spring is in the air

Jepp, jepp...nå er det på tide med et innlegg på norsk. Blir litt back and forth når man er halvt amerikaner, hehe...

Påsken er over og våren blomstrer for full hals. Jeg må si at jeg har hatt en strålende påske sammen med familien i huset til mamma langt inne i skogen:) Det ble som alltid masse god mat (american style), påskegodt, banana cream pie, filmkvelder og familiekos. Vi blir stadig flere. Kenneth deltok for første gang på familiens påsketradisjon i fjor og i år ønsket vi velkommen til min søsters kjæreste, Christian. Han er en kjempe allright kar som deler Kenneth's lidenskap for hiphop.

Nå merker jeg tydelig at våren er her. Det er så utrolig deilig å finne hestehov når sola steiker og snøen forsvinner. Jeg blir liksom fylt av en slags ny energi og "anything is possible"- feeling. Vinteren har vært tung og lang i år, noe som gjør at våren blir ekstra godt mottatt.

Nyt denne flotte tiden på året og virkelig sett pris på nytt liv som vokser frem. Det er slik Gud har skapt det og vi kan glede oss over det.

Kjære Gud! Jeg er så takknemmelig for alt nytt liv som spirer frem rundt meg. Jeg gleder meg i ditt skaperverk.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Easter eggs and holiday charm

Easter is just around the corner. Can you see the yellow? I've decorated the living room with yellow tulips, a yellow sunflower, some other kind of yellow flowers and rustic orange candles and placemats. I love to decorate for holidays, it makes everything so cheerful.

The snow is melting, bringing hope that spring is just around the corner too. It's a special time of the year when the snow is disappearing. It's like a fresh, new start. It all kind of starts with Easter. Just like the life of Christians kind of started at Easter long time ago. The time when Jesus died to free us from our sins. He died so that we can be forgiven for every sin we commit. It was the start of a life where we do not have to surrender to sin, because we can be forgiven. Jesus has already paid the price for our sins. How big is that,!

Can you even imagine letting your own son die for crimes that somebody else committed? God is great! God is good! That is how much he loves us. It's just amazing. How can you ever doubt that God loves you when he did that for you?? You can be sure that he loves you, more than anyone loves you. He is your heavenly father and he is full of love.

I hope that between all the Easter eggs and all the yellow, you will be able to remember the true meaning of Easter, why we celebrate. And it is a big celebration and it should be celebrated with yellow and Easter eggs and family and all the other nice things we do around Easter. Just keep in mind how great God big he much he loves you.

Now we must not forget that Jesus, Gods son, rose from the dead. He beat death. And he is in heaven making sure every Christian beats death too. He oppened the door to eternity for us when he beat death. And the best news is; he left the door wide open, so that when our body here on earth dies, our soul will fly through that open door to eternal life with him.

I don't know about you, but that is a great comfort to me, knowing that. I feel so lucky :) and I feel safe.

Now go out and celebrate this wonderful Jesus, which made it all possible.

-Thank you Jesus for making sure I have everlasting life! I am forever greatful. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know, because I would be honored to serve you!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

True friends should not be taken for granted

The first full day as a 23 year old. Do I feel any different? No! We even found a picture of me the other day and my boyfriend thought it was taken this year. In reality that picture was taken when I was 14. I really don't look much different. I'm not sure wether it's a good thing or a bad thing.

I'm sure most of you know by now if you get money back on your taxes or if you have to pay more on them. I'm really lucky this year, but Kenneth (samboer/boyfriend) is not so lucky. Though, the tax-company did not know that we bought a place together, so after correcting it today, it should even out for the both of us.

And as far as my birthday yesterday....there was one person that made it into the best birthday ever, just by simply calling me and letting me know she still cares and have not forgotten about me. I'm talking about my homegirl, Tine. We grew up together and were always bestfriends. It's been years since we've talked (apart from last night) and I was thinking that maybe she had forgotten about me, or more like moved on without me.
But all of a sudden she called last night, with no warning....
my heart jumped and I smiled inside out. She even remembered my birthday:)

I've missed her so much. We talked for a long time on the phone and decided that we would not wait this long til next time. It's strange how it seemed as if we were never apart. We talked as if we were still bestfriends and nothing's changed. And to be honest, I think part of that is true...that in a way nothing has changed and we still are bestfriends at heart. I can not begin to describe how good that makes me feel.
I truly hope we'll stay intouch.

Anyway...good, special bestfriends do not grow on trees. You should take extra good care of them and never take them for granted. Cherish them.

"Tine, you made my day, and the rest of my life, if you stick around.
-Love ya!"

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

"It's been awhile"

The Staind concert on friday was awesome:) They did all my favorite songs and the crowd was amazing. I even got one of the drumsticks after the show:)

The weekend was spent at my mom's house, out in the woods, in the middle of nowhere. Quiet and peaceful with a lot of charm. And we brought our dog along who had the time of his life running around outside without a leash on.
They baked me a cake, since they woulden't be able to be with me on my birthday. I love them, presious family.

And I'm 23 years old. Yes, it's my birthday:) So this evening dad's side of the family will gather at his house to celebrate me. Wow, that makes me sound special:) Anyway, we are having sushi, one of my favorite things in the world. (Kitty's sushi, helgesens gt. is best).

I used to think birthday's weren't that special, but now I know better. It is most definately a time to celebrate. It is marking the day the Lord decided was the right time for you to come into this world, to be part of his creation, to be part of him. And that is very special, if you ask me.
And it's a day were you get some extra attention. And we all need some of that.

Thank you, Father, for letting me be part of your plan. I'm exited too see more of it as I get older.