Friday, March 31, 2006

Girls' night out

Finally, today has arrived. My mom, my aunt, my cousin and I are having a girls' night out. The main attraction for the evening is the "Staind" concert. I can't wait. I'm hoping they'll play my favorite song "it's been awhile"....they have to, it's their biggest hit.'s not often we all do something together, two generationes and all, so I'm exited.
It might not be the hippest thing to do, but I love spending time with family and relatives. There is a special connection, a special kind of fun and there is always a great amount of love. Now we argue...probably more than many of you, but I mean the love which is in our hearts the whole time, no matter if it's tears, joy or madness we share. That's what's so great with can be yourself, show emotions and let matter how annoying or crazy you might be, you'll still be loved.

Like most families we've had our trials and rough times, but thats what makes us grow so close to eachother. I do believe our bond is tighter because of it. We overcome things together and we share the victory.

I must say I'm terribly proud of my family. And it is very important to add that we are far from perfect and have done our share of bad, sinful stuff, but it's the fact that we learn from it and fight to be better people everyday. And most of us share our faith in God which makes it a lot easier.

Thank you, Father, for my wonderful, loving family.

Now I encourage you to get together with someone in you family and really feel the love between you. It's there, you just have to look and pay extra attention, you'll notice it.


Thursday, March 30, 2006

What a beautiful day :)

Today is fantastic
A fresh start
anything is possible

I'm smiling
the sun is shining
yesterday is forgotten

It's crazy to think how much a little sunshine can inpact our life
It almost makes you feel like you can do anything, conquer the world
You feel strong, motivated and free
Atleast I do :)

I like to think that God made the sun shine for me today, because he knew I needed it after yesterday's trials. But Hey, that's what a father does, isen't it? When your child is sad and down, you comfort it. -Thank you, father!

I hope todays sunshine puts a smile on your face to. Go out and enjoy the beauty which your father has created for you.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Another reminder of failure

Vi drar denne på norsk.

I dag strøk jeg teoriprøven for tredje gang. Ja, jeg har faktisk lest før alle de tre gangene.
Jaja, tenker dere, slikt skjer...

For meg er dette bare enda en reminder på failure. At jeg aldri skal klare å fullføre noe som helst..
Jeg prøver og prøver, plukker meg selv opp hver gang jeg tryner, og selvfølgeling ber jeg til Gud. Hvor lenge skal jeg bli testet? Hva er det du prøver å si/vise meg?
Jeg er en utolmodig person i utgangspunktet, this isen't exactly making things any better.

Hvilken skole har jeg fullført? Hvilken jobb har jeg hatt i over et år? Hvilken prøve har jeg bestått? I samfunnet er jeg en failure. Hvorfor skal ikke jeg klare det som er forventet å klare?

Jeg føler meg så liten.....så sliten...helt bedriten. Dear God, please help me, I need you!

Når er det greit å gi opp? Aldri, eller hva?
Ta på deg masken, jente....tøff deg opp...løft hode...vis at du er glad og stolt og klar for nye utfordringer. Verden er et hardt sted, basert på forventninger, press og bedømmelse. Våg ikke å falle utenfor det "normale"....

Heavenly Father. I'm trying to understand what you want. What is you plan for me? I'm getting tired, but I will never lose my faith. I know you have a plan. I'm just confused because I can't see clearly where to go. I want to do right so very bad, but I seem to fail everytime. I need your help, father!

In Jesus name, Amen

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Just an ordinary day

I see gray
The sad picture of a grey sky
hiding the light

the ground is wet beneath my feet
tiny drops of water running down my face
it's all gray

Melting snow turning into fluids
water mixed with dirt
brown and gray and gray

were there ever colors, you feel
the gray is overwhelming, sad
but I like to think my heart is red

all is never lost

Monday, March 27, 2006

My first

I'm kind of new at this, but I thought I'd give it a shot.

What is the point of a blogg, anyway?
Is it to stay connected to other people or just a fancy way to keep a "not so private" journal?
Or maybe it is a need to share your thoughts with people without needing to share them face-2-face?

Well...sign me up! I think we all could benefit from letting out our thoughts once in awhile.

Fist thing I want to share is a picture of our dog, Stewie, as a puppy. Adorable:)
